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MCQs – Evolution | HSC Part-II – Biology Notes

MCQs – Evolution

1. The word ________ refers to the gradual development of something.
§  Ecology
§  Evolution
§  none of them

2. Organic evolution refers to the evolution of ________.
§  Plants
§  Animals
§  Both of them
§  None of them

3. Zimmermann said that evolution is the transformation of ________
§  Existence and habit
§  Form and mode of existence
§  Food habit and living ways
§  None of them

4. “Evolution is the descent with modification” the statement is given by
§  Aristotle
§  Darwin
§  Lamarck
§  De vries

5. There are ________ different concepts regarding evolution.
§  2
§  3
§  5
§  8

6. The advocate of theory of special creation was ________
§  Darwin
§  Lamarck
§  De Vries
§  Suarez

7. “God created all animals and plants this is the statement of ________
§  Darwin’s theory
§  Theory of special creation
§  Theory of natural selection
§  All of the above

8. The main concept of the theory of natural selection is that ________.
§  The fittest will survive
§  With most adaptations will survive
§  Most competitive will survive
§  All of the above

9. According to organic evolution the earth is
§  Evolved not created
§  Created not evolved
§  Either A or B
§  None of them

10. It is believed that the life may have begun in on
§  Land
§  Ponds
§  Deep under water
§  Normally as it is today

11. The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was given by
§  Lamarck
§  Darwin
§  Weismann
§  None of them

12. Lamarck was a ________.
§  French chemist
§  German biologist
§  French zoologist
§  English botanist

13. The pioneer evolutionist of the pre-Darwin period was
§  Weismann
§  De Vries
§  Lamarck
§  None of them

14. Lamarck published his theory in his book ________
§  Philosophy anamalia
§  Philosophy zoologique
§  Philosophy botany
§  Philosophy of life

15. Lamarck gave his theory in ________
§  1805
§  1806
§  1808
§  1809

16. The basic principle of Lamarck’s theory was
§  Development of new characters
§  Use of disuse of organs
§  none

17. Lamarck stated that organisms develop changes due to
§  Effects of environment
§  Mode of nutrition
§  Mode of living
§  None of them

18. According to Lamarck’s theory the organ which is used more would ________.
§  Disintegrate
§  Replenish
§  Develop
§  Remain unchanged

19. Lamarck believed that the changes made due to the use and disuse of organs would ________
§  Last only in that generation
§  last generation after generation
§  do not last at all
§  May be A or B

20. Lamarck believed that Giraffe has long neck because ________.
§  It had to stretch it to get food
§  It was born like that
§  It was due to a mutation
§  All of the above

21. Snakes donor have limbs because
§  It had to slide on its belly
§  It wanted to escape attacks
§  It could move through fishers
§  All of the above

22. Most objects to Lamarck’s theory was raised on the point of
§  Effects of environment
§  Use and disuse of organs
§  Inheritance of acquired characters
§  All of the above

23. Mutations as a result of accidents or diseases are
§  Inherited
§  Non-inherited
§  May be A or B
§  All of them

24. The greatest set back to Lamarck theory was ________ which came right after his theory.
§  Weismann’s theory
§  Darwin’s theory
§  Aristotle’s concept
§  None of them

25. Weismann’s theory is also called ________
§  Somatic cell theory
§  Germination continuity theory
§  Germ cell theory
§  All of them

26. According to Weismann the changes acquired by an organism can only be transmitted to the next generation through ________.
§  Somatic cells
§  Any cell of the body
§  Germ cells
§  Special cells

27. Weismann performed his experiments on ________
§  Mice
§  Cats
§  pigeons
§  All of them

28. The theory of Natural Selection was given by ________
§  Lamarck
§  Weismann
§  Darwin
§  None of them

29. Darwin gave his theory in his book called ________
§  The evolution if species
§  The origin of species
§  The life of species
§  None of them

30. The theory of natural selection is also called ________
§  The theory of organic evolution
§  Lamarckism
§  Theory of struggle for existence
§  None of them

31. A single cord fish lays ________ eggs per season.
§  5 million
§  5 to 7 million
§  6 million
§  7 million

32. A house fly lays about ________ eggs six times a summer.
§  120
§  320
§  450
§  1000

33. A rabbit breeds a age of ________ years.
§  5
§  6
§  7
§  8

34. One of the slowest breeder is ________.
§  Elephant
§  Rhinosaurous
§  Dinosaurous
§  All of them

35. It is clear that if the normal growing rates of the organisms were to exist soon.
§  The land would stay in normal condition
§  The land would become beautiful
§  Soon a single specie would occupy all the space of land
§  All of the above

36. A logical result of over reproduction is the ________.
§  Competition for food
§  Organisms living in piece
§  Both of them
§  None of them

37. The struggle between the organisms of same species is called ________.
§  Interspecific struggle
§  Intraspecific struggle
§  Environmental struggle
§  None of them

38. The struggle between organisms of different species is called ________.
§  Intraspecific struggle
§  Interspecific struggle
§  Environmental struggle
§  All of the above

39. The struggle between organisms of different species is called ________.
§  Intraspecific struggle
§  Interspecific struggle
§  Environmental struggle
§  None of the above

40. Natural selection is also called ________.
§  Darwin’s theory
§  Survival of fittest
§  Lamarckism
§  A and B

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