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MCQs – Biotechnology | HSC Part-II – Biology Notes

MCQs – Biotechnology

1. Genetic engineering is the manipulation of ________ for practical purpose.
§  Genetic bacteria
§  Genetic plant
§  Genetic material
§  Genetic animal

2. The ________ technology has launched an industrial revolution in bio-technology.
§  DNA transfer
§  DNA recombinant
§  genetic bacteria
§  genetic transferring

3. Recent reproductive cloning intended to introduce ________.
§  identical plants
§  genetic bacteria
§  identical animals
§  identical sheeps

4. ________ was the first ever cloned animal.
§  Dolly
§  Tomy
§  Kitty
§  Spike

5. ________ formulated rule to explain the phenomenon of inheritance.
§  Gregor Johann Mendel
§  Charles Darwin
§  Jean Baptiste de Lamark
§  All of them

6. Each basis inheritable character is controlled by a factor called ________.
§  Chromosome
§  DNA
§  RNA
§  gene

7. Gene is made up of ________.
§  Proteins
§  RNA
§  DNA
§  All of them

8. The discovery of ________ was a tremendous stimulus to genetic research.
§  DNA of bacteria
§  cloned Dolly
§  Role of DNA
§  genetic engineering

9. Methodology was discovered in ________.
§  1952
§  1956
§  1973
§  1989

10. Methodological methods were referd to as ________.
§  Recombinant DNA technology
§  Genetic engineering
§  Both
§  All of them

11. ________ is defined as the “se of living organisms for the welfare of mankind”.
§  Micro-biology
§  Human biology
§  Bbiotechnology
§  Zoology

12. Genetic engineering usually utilizes ________.
§  Bacterial cells
§  Bacterial plasmids
§  Both of them
§  None of them

13. Recombinant DNA technology depends on ________ steps.
§  3
§  4
§  5
§  8

14. A gene is inserted into a DNA molecule called ________.
§  vector
§  pasmid
§  both
§  none of them

15. ________ are small, extra circular DNAs molecules found in some bacteria.
§  vector
§  plasmid
§  chromosome
§  genetic engineered DNA

16. Plasmid replicated ________ of the host cell.
§  dependent
§  independent
§  mostly dependent
§  mostly independent

17. Plasmids are generally found in ________.
§  bacteria
§  vertebrates
§  all living organisms
§  bacteriophages

18. The group of enzymes that are used to cut up the DNA molecule are called ________.
§  restriction enzymes
§  DNA ligase enzyme
§  DNA polymerase enzyme
§  none of them

19. ________ protest bacteria against bacteriophage by cutting viral DNA.
§  DNA polymerase enzyme
§  restriction enzyme
§  DNA ligase enzyme
§  all of them

20. The molecular scissors in the bacterial cell are ________.
§  DNA ligase enzyme
§  vector
§  plasmid
§  restriction enzyme

21. Each restriction enzyme cut the DNA at a special site called ________.
§  sticky end
§  site of attachment
§  cutting end
§  joining ends

22. ________ is a key enzyme that seals the restriction fragment with sticky ends of vector.
§  DNA polymerase enzyme
§  DNA ligase enzyme
§  Restriction enzyme
§  A and B

23. ________ are taken as host in DNA recombinant technology.
§  bacterial cells
§  vectors
§  plasmids
§  bacteriophage

24. The gene carried by recombinant molecule is called ________.
§  cloned
§  copied
§  multiplied
§  engineered

25. ________ is used to form genetically engineered plants which are resistant towards insects.
§  genetically engineered bacteria
§  vector
§  plasmid
§  all of them

26. Bacteria which usually live in the roots of corn are transformed for producing ________.
§  good roots
§  strong barks
§  insect killing foxins
§  healthy fruits

27. Hormones can also be prepared by ________.
§  cloned bacteria
§  plasmid
§  vector
§  rDNA

28. Phynylalanine is used to make a sweetener called ________.
§  phenyl sweets
§  nutra sweets
§  cemilky sweets
§  natural sweets

29. When a foreign gene is inserted to natural plants they are called ________.
§  Transgenic plants
§  genetically engineered plants
§  both A and B
§  all of them

30. In ________ technique entire organism can be grown from a single call.
§  tissue culture
§  cloning
§  genetic engineering
§  transfusion

31. When the cell wall of a plant cell is removed it is called ________.
§  protoplast
§  plant cell
§  changed cell
§  transgenic cell

32. In plant cell the rDNA can be introduced into ________.
§  Enbryo
§  Protoplast
§  Cell having cell wall
§  Both A and B

33. The only plasmid for transgenic plants is ________.
§  Pr-plasmid
§  Ti-plasmid
§  Ds-plasmid
§  All of them

34. ________ is the host for the host for the Ti-plasmid.
§  Bacteriophage
§  Agrobacterium
§  Phenylalamine
§  All bacteria

35. Transgenic plants are able to make use of ________ of the atmosphere so they dont require fertilizers.
§  Oxygen
§  Nitrogen
§  CO2
§  All of them

36. ________ is the fastest way of determining amino acid sequences.
§  DNA finger printing
§  Gene sequencing
§  Genomic library
§  Human genome project

37. ________ provides the location of Restriction site within the gene.
§  Gene sequencing
§  DNA finger printing
§  Genomic library
§  All of them

38. The similarity in the DNAs of two different organisms can be determined and studied by ________.
§  DNA finger printing
§  Human genome project
§  Gene sequencing
§  Gene therapy

39. ________ can separate DNA fragments differing in as much as 1 segment in gene sequencing.
§  Gel electrophoreses
§  DNA electrophoreses
§  Gene electrophoreses
§  All of them

40. ________% of DNA does not code for proteins
§  20%
§  30%
§  40%
§  50%

41. The difference in DNA electrophoresis patterns among individuals is called ________.
§  DNA finger prints
§  DNA fragment length
§  DNA length measurement
§  Restriction fragment length polymorphism

42. DNA finger prints is named so due to ________
§  RFLPs length
§  Sequence of RFLPs is unique for each
§  Both A and B
§  None of the above

43. To produce a DNA finger print ________ would suffice.
§  A sample of blood
§  A sample of saliva
§  Sample of hair folicle
§  All of them

44. ________ consists of the copy of genetic information or a specre the prefered environment.
§  Genome library
§  DNA finger prints
§  DNA fragment
§  Gene sequencing

45. Human Genome Project began in ________.
§  1990
§  1980
§  1994
§  1991

46. Total number of chromosome pairs inhuman is ________.
§  23
§  26
§  44
§  46

47. ________% of the DNA sequence have determined with 99% accuracy.
§  89%
§  95.658%
§  99.335%
§  99.99%

48. ________% of the nucleotide sequence in all the hamans is same.
§  50%
§  86%
§  99%
§  99.9%

49. Medical researches have discovered about ________ genetic diseases.
§  3000
§  4000
§  5000
§  6000

50. Genetic diseases is mostly related with ________.
§  Sperms
§  Ova
§  Fertilized egg or zygote
§  All of them

51. There are ________ conditions for the occurance of genetic diseases.
§  2
§  3
§  5
§  9

52. Is mutation a cause of genetic diseases?
§  Yes always
§  No
§  May be
§  Not involved at all

53. Genetic diseases fall into ________ main categories.
§  2
§  3
§  5
§  8

54. Following is the category of genetic diseases.
§  Chromosomal abnormalities
§  Unifactorial defects
§  Multifactorial defects
§  All of them

55. Huntington’s disease is due to a ________.
§  Autosomal resesive allele
§  Autosomal dominant allele
§  Hetyerozygous allele
§  Homozyhous allele

56. In huntington’s disease the symptoms appear by the age of ________.
§  35-45
§  40-50
§  55-65
§  50-60

57. Progressive mental deterioration and unvoluntary muscle movement is the characteristic of ________.
§  Chromosomal disorder
§  Chromosomal disjunction
§  Huntington’s disease
§  Cystic fibrosis

58. Is a cure for huntington’s disease possible.
§  Yes
§  May be
§  Depends on nature
§  No

59. Cystic fibrosis occurs due to ________
§  Autosomal Recessive Allele
§  A heterotroph
§  Homozygous Chromosome
§  Dominant Allele

60. ________ is a diagnostic process in which man amount of amniotic fluid is taken from the amniotic sac to determine the presence of disease.
§  Genetic councelling
§  Tissue culture
§  Gene therapy
§  Amniocentesis

61. Through ________ any disease can be determined in the embryonic stage.
§  Amniocentesis
§  Amniotic tissue test
§  fefune blood test
§  Gene therapy

62. ________ is a test tube method to create and olone various varieties of novel plants.
§  Cloning
§  Genetic engineering
§  Gene therapy
§  Tissue culture

63. The cell which contains all the genetic potential of the organism is called ________.
§  Potitotent
§  Totipotent
§  Sturgid call
§  Complete cell

64. Through cloning the duplicate coples of ________ can be formed.
§  Genetic material
§  Cells
§  Both of them
§  None of them

65. Artificial cloning is now possible by the pethology ________.
§  Recombinant DNA technology
§  Gene therapy
§  DNA finger prints
§  Genomic library

66. The copies of individuals formed by clonig are called ________.
§  Twins
§  Identicals
§  Clones
§  Copies

67. In 1997, a ________ was cloned from cell from its mother.
§  Cat
§  Dog
§  Fish
§  Sheep

68. The biotechnology is now also being considered dangerous due to
§  Its useful cloning method
§  DNA finger printing
§  Harmful side effects
§  Artificial Techniques

69. In gene therapy of germ line cells the recombinant DNA is inserted into ________.
§  Human sex cells
§  Fertilized zygote
§  Somatic cells
§  All of them

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