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MCQs – Man and his Environment | HSC Part-II – Biology Notes

Chapter 13

MCQs – Man and his Environment

1. ________ are the resources that can be replenished by physical and biological means.
§  Renewable
§  Non renewable
§  Both
§  None

2. ________ are those resources which once used on exhausted cannot be reused.
§  Renewable
§  Non-renewable
§  Both
§  None

3. Air, water, soil etc are the examples of ________ resources.
§  Renewable
§  Non-renewable
§  Both
§  None

4. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, natural gas and metals are the examples of ________ resources.
§  Renewable
§  Non-renewable
§  Both
§  None

5. Air consists of ________% nitrogen
§  21
§  56
§  78
§  79

6. Air consists of ________% oxygen
§  21
§  22
§  25
§  89

7. Air consists of ________% carbon dioxide
§  0.3
§  0.03
§  0.003
§  0.0003

8. Total water resource of the world has been estimated about ________ millions cubic km.
§  1200
§  1400
§  1500
§  1600

9. Out of total water on earth ________% is ocean water.
§  90
§  91
§  92
§  93

10. ________% water is present in the earth’s crust.
§  2
§  4
§  5
§  9

11. ________% water is present in the glaciers and polar celcaps.
§  1
§  2
§  3
§  4

12. ________% water is present in fresh water lakes river and atmosphere.
§  0.2
§  0.059
§  0.052
§  0.025

13. Rain percolates onto the ground and is called ________
§  Substratum water
§  Level water
§  Ground water
§  All of the above

14. Water that accumulates as the thin film around soil particles is called ________.
§  Soil water
§  Hydroscopic water
§  Both a and b
§  None

15. The grazing lands or pastures occupy nearly ________% of the land in the world.
§  21
§  22
§  23
§  24

16. Solar energy, wind, water, wave, ocean current, tides, temperature gradients and plant materials are sources of energy.
§  Renewable
§  Non-renewable
§  Both
§  None

17. Coal, petroleum and gas fulfill our daily requirement about ________%
§  92
§  93
§  95
§  96

18. ________ is derived from the oxidized carbon of plant tissues.
§  Oil
§  Petroleum
§  Coal
§  Natural gas

19. ________ involves splitting of certain heavy elements into lighter ones, resulting into the conversion of small mass of the elements into energy.
§  Nuclear fission
§  Nuclear fusion
§  Condensation
§  None

20. Nuclear fission takes nearly 7 hours to fission 1kg of fuel releasing ________ KJ energy.
§  72
§  75
§  78
§  79

21. Heat produced by radioactive by radioactive material deep beneath the surface of the earth is called ________.
§  Geothermal energy
§  Solar energy
§  Nuclear energy
§  Electrical energy

22. The Earth receives a maximum of ________ watts/sq.metre when the sun is at the top.
§  1400
§  1500
§  1600
§  1900

23. Certain kinds of solid waste material such as farm and animal manure, crop residues and sewage however can be converted into fuel called ________.
§  Biogas
§  Coal
§  Natural gas
§  Petroleum

24. The wind waves and ocean thermal gradients are ________ sources of solar energy.
§  Direct
§  Indirect
§  Both
§  None

25. Total energy flow due to tides in shallow seas is about ________ billion KW.
§  1.1
§  2.2
§  3.3
§  4.4

26. The essential condition for generating hydro electric power is ________.
§  Small volume of water falling great distance
§  Large volume of water falling small distance
§  Both
§  None

27. At present WAPDA is generating ________ megawatt of power in peak periods of Pakistan.
§  3900
§  4100
§  4300
§  4500

28. It has been estimated that about ________ electricity produced is being wasted through the use of inefficient of modern machine.
§  25
§  50
§  75
§  100

29. In Pakistan the population is increasing at the rate of ________% per annum.
§  1
§  2
§  3
§  4

30. The world population at present is about ________ billion.
§  5
§  6
§  7
§  8

31. When the amount of solid waste or concentration of gases other than oxygen in air is increased is called ________ pollution.
§  Air
§  Noise
§  Water
§  Land

32. ________ includes large number of things such as simple carbon smoke, road dust etc.
§  Particulate pollutants
§  Smog
§  Simple pollutant
§  All of the above

33. NO2 combine with gaseous hydro carbons to form variety of secondary pollutants called ________.
§  Photochemical smog
§  Photochemical oxidants
§  Both
§  None

34. CO2 allows the sun rays to pass through but prevents the long wave radiations reflected by earth. This phenomenon is called ________.
§  Depletion of ozone layer
§  Green house
§  Global warming
§  None

35. The release of chlorine atoms into the atmosphere breaks down the ozone shield. This phenomenon is called ________.
§  Depletion of ozone layer
§  Green house
§  Global warming
§  None

36. The process of contamination of water is called ________
§  Depletion of ozone layer
§  Green house
§  Water pollution
§  None

37. Radiation, noise pollution are the example of ________ pollution.
§  Air
§  Material
§  Non-material
§  Land

38. Noise levels are measure in ________.
§  Meter
§  Dyne
§  Decibels
§  Kilo watt hour

39. Influenza, aids, chicken pox etc are the example of ________ diseases.
§  Bacterial
§  Fungal
§  Protozoal
§  Nutritional
§  Viral

40. Ring worm, athelete’s foot are the example of ________ diseases.
§  Bacterial
§  Fungal
§  Protozoal
§  Nutritional
§  Viral

41. Malaria, African sleeping sickness are the example of ________ diseases.
§  Bacterial
§  Fungal
§  Protozoal
§  Nutritional
§  Viral

42. Tuberclosis, typhoid, pneumonia and cholera are the example of ________ diseases.
§  Bacterial
§  Fungal
§  Protozoal
§  Nutritional
§  Viral

43. Scurvy is caused by deficiency of vitamin ________
§  A
§  B
§  C
§  D

44. Cholera is caused by ________.
§  Tinea corporis
§  Vibrio cholera
§  Linea versicolor
§  None

45. Deficiency of vitamin K causes ________.
§  Anemia
§  Prolong bleeding
§  Tooth decay
§  Goiter

46. Deficiency of Vitamin E causes ________.
§  Anemia
§  Prolong bleeding
§  Tooth decay
§  Goiter

47. Deficiency of Iodine causes ________
§  Anemia
§  Prolong bleeding
§  Tooth decay
§  Goiter

48. Deficiency of Floride causes ________
§  Anemia
§  Prolong bleeding
§  Tooth decay
§  Goiter

49. Degeneration of neurons of brain is called ________ disease.
§  Parkinson’s
§  Alzheimer’s
§  Epilepsy
§  All of the above

50. Anemia, prolong bleeding, tooth decay and goites are the example of ________ diseases.
§  Bacterial
§  Fungal
§  Protozoal
§  Nutritional
§  Viral

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