Chapter -
Index is simply a list arranged
alphabetically showing the required reference. An index to file may be set out
in the form of a bound or loose leaf book whereas a separate page or group of
pages is allotted to every letter of the alphabet, the field no. being entered
against each name. Thus indexing is a system through which the location of the
records may be found easily. It may be placed near to the records or may be
kept apart from the records or the records themselves may be so arranged as to
be self indexing eg . 1 index of a book (apart from the records) and 2.
Telephone directory (self- indexing).
There are number of card in it and
each card deals with one item of the index. On the top edge of the card,
reference heading is written. On the remaining part of the card, the location
of the item is written, where the self- indexing system is in use, the
remaining part of the card contains the record itself. These cards are arranged
vertically in a drawer or tray in such a way that they can be used very
conveniently for reference to make the function or finding the reference more
easily, tabbed guide cards may be inserted at required intervals.
It is consisted of frame into which
strips of shout paper or card can be fitted in any required order and
subsequently withdrawn and rearranged whenever changes are to be made. Each
strip is devoted on one item of not more than two or three lines. Frames can be
made up in various forms to suit different purposes; they can be fixed to the
wall made up in book form or where a large number is necessary arranged on a
rotary stand which is easily turned to give reference to any desired portion of
the index.
This is an index which offers the
ready visibility of the strip index and also the additional record space
provided by the vertical card index. It consists of series of cards, arranged so
as to overlap leaving a strip of each card exposed. This exposed edge is used
for the reference heading, the remaining part of the card is readily available
for record purpose. The trays in which these cards are kept are fitted with
devices which enable the cards to be held in position and yet permit individual
cards to be written upon withdrawn replaced or rearranged as may bar required.
The trays of cards are usually kept in cabinet but as in the case of the strip
index frames can be arranged in book form when they make an easily portable
Overlapping visible index records can
also be kept in book form. A viable book consist of a loose leaf binder in
which paper pages are arranged in a similar formation the cards in visible card
This is a form of vertical card index
in which the cards are arranged about the circumference of wheel set in a
cabinet or desk. Thousand of such cards can be attached to one wheel and as
many as six wheels set up within the reach of one clerk seated at his desk.
This is an arrangement of the
vertical card index which has been developed to give easier reference to
headings. Cards are arranged in groups and overlapped so that the reference
headings on the cutaway concern of a whole group can be seen at once. This
system of indexing is sometimes applied to ledger cards to facilitate the
extraction of accounts for posting.
The cards are punched with holes
along one or more edge, each hole represents a classification or figure in code
number. Written information is recorded by hand or typewriting in the centre of
the card. The information in term of which it is required to deselected or sort
can be recorded along the edge of card by cutting the appropriate holes into
slots. Once they have been prepared the card may be filed in trays in any
order. To select the card for a particular classification batch of several
hundred cards is removed from the tray and a long needle is passed through the
holes representing the class required. When the needle is lifted the cards
which have been slotted at these holes fall out so separate themselves from the
An enterprise can raise finance by
the acceptance of deposits from the public directly for fixed terms and at
fixed rate of interest. This method is however, dangerous and has declined in
importance in recent years.
This is very easy method of financing
and is available to only Established of a part of the
profits is an ideal means of financing, expansion and improvements.
Short Term Finance
A common problem of every business is
financing day –to –day operations. Normally business finances these items out
of the receipts from sales, but some times the firms financing is needed. It is
required for pour hasting raw materials, additional inventory etc. for meeting
purposes’ .it is required for short period ,generally foe one year .it is needs
because of the fact that the stock is to kept ready before it is actually
Sources of Short Term Finance
The main sources of obtaining
short–term loans are as following:
1. Commercial
Finances are acquired from banks by
means of loans, discounts overdrafts etc. they provide short term finance in
the shape of discounting bills, granting loans and accepting bills on behalf of
their customers.
2. Commercial
Credit House
These institutions provide short term
finance against mortgage of property or promissory notes.
Personals Funds
This is an important source of
financing a small business. The proprietors themselves supply the capital of
the business from their own pockets. But in large scale undertakings, this
source is insufficient.
4. Borrowings
from Friends and Relatives
Sometimes business is also finance by
taking loans from friends and relatives. Finance from this source is very
limited and uncertain.
5. Public
Some units accept deposits from the
public from short period on attractive rates of interest and utilize the funds
for their currents financial requirements.
6. Indigenous
There are large number of money
lenders i.e. Mahajan, Sahukar, Shroff in the country who provide considerable
sums for the business, though at a high rate of interest.
7. Land
The financial institutions give loans
on short–terms to he business man or industrialists on the security of land and
8. Foreign
Exchange Banks
These banks also provide short term
funds. They mainly provide finance to the foreign business undertaking of their
9. Unsecured
This type of financing includes:
A) Promissory
They are the legal instruments used
in advancing banks loans. It is the major source of the short–term finance.
B) Commercial
A draft is an instruments made by one
person ordering the second person to pay a sun of money to a specified
individual on sight or at a future date. Secured loans: There are times when
short term financing may be accompanied by collaterals, which gives the lender
the right to seize certain property if the borrower does not replay the loan.
10. Secured
There are times when short term
financing may be accompanied by collaterals, which gives the lender the right
to seize certain property if the borrower does not repay the load.
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