In ancient times, there was no distinction of
biology and other sciences. Different fields of sciences like biology,
chemistry, physics and mathematics are met together in the writings of ancient
scientists. In ancient times, these subjects were studied under one head
“science”, but with the passage of time, the science developed very much and
the huge scientific knowledge was then divided into different branches.
However even today the interrelationship of these branches cannot be denied.
The study of various biological phenomena according
to principles of physics is called biophysics. For example, movement of muscles
and bones based on principles of physics.
The study of different biochemical like
carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids etc found in cells of living
organisms and hundreds of the underlying chemical reactions in cells of
organisms is called biochemistry.
The data obtained from observations and experiments
on living organism is analyzed by various statistical methods. This is called
The study of plants and animals and the basis of
geographical distribution is called Biogeography.
The study of living organisms from economic point
of view is called Bio-Economics. It includes the study of cost effectiveness
and viability of biological projects from commercial point of view.
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