Types of Forests in Pakistan
Evergreen Forests
There are evergreen forests in
northern and north-western parts of Pakistan, as these areas receive more
rainfall. Beautiful scenes attract human beings. In this way forest are the
means of beauty and attraction. These forest include deodar, firs, blue pine,
spruce, chalghoza, oak, chestnut and walnut are also important. These are found
in Murree, Mansehra, Abbotabad, Chitral, Swat and Dir Hardwood for the making
of furniture is available from these trees.
Foot-Hill Areas Forests
Phulai, Kao, Jand, Acacia, wild
olive, black berry etc are found in the foothill areas of these forests. The
district of Peshawar, Mardan, Kohat, Attock, Rawalpindi, Jhelum and Gujrat are
important in this respect.
Dry-Hill Forests
The dry-hill forests are found at
altitude of about 900 to 3000 meters in Quetta and kalat division of Baluchistan.
Other than thorny forests Mazoo, Chaighoza and poplar are important trees.
Miscellaneous Forests
Some of the forests are found in
Sukkur, Kotri and Guido. The forests department plants trees like mulberry, sum
bal, dhrek and eucalyptus along the rivers, canals and railway lines.
Mangrove Forests
Mangrove forests are found along the
coastline from Karachi to Kutch.
Importance of Forests
Forest plan an important role being
a natural resource in the development af a country as explained below.
Melting of Ice and Soil Erosion
Rain and snow in heavy quantity fall
on the northern mountains of Pakistan. These areas are the main source of water
of rivers. The forest also stop soil erosion as they slow down the speed of
rainwater on the slopes of mountains. They also irrigate teh plains regularly.
Forest provide Fuel
Forest provide wood as fuel in place
of coal. They also provide timber, firewood, gum and other useful things which
are very important for the trade of country.
Pleasant Climate
Forest make the climate of an area
very pleasant as they reduce heat and pollution.
Temperature is reduced by forests
and air becomes moist. Rainfall in a region increases due to presence of
Fertility of Soil
Forest keep the soil intact and soil
fertility remains uneffected.
Stoppage of sand and silt
Rivers carry huge amount of sand and
silt that fill our dams and lakes and destroy hydroelectric power projects, the
presence of forests stop the sand and silt.
Water Logging and Salinity
Forests are very useful in water
logged and salinity effected areas. Trees absorbs water from the soil and lower
water level of underground reserves. The forests ate useful in stopping of
floods and safety of dams.
Forests promote tourism. There are
many places in the northern and north-western mountainous areas of Pakistan.
Which are covered with forests and known for recreations for the peoples.
Wild Life
Forests are very important for wild
life. In forests animals of hunting are found from which we get meat. In this
way forest are the source of the hunting and also act as places of recreation.
Forests provide employment to a
large part of population in Pakistan.
Fruits and Fodder
Forests provide different kinds of
fruits and fodder to animals.
Important role in Economy
Forests plays an important role in
the economy of Pakistan. About five million people are directly or indirectly
engaged in this sector we can get building, wood from forests. This wood is
used in building and also used in the preparation of furniture.
The herbs grown in forests are used
for the preparation of medicines.
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