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MCQs – Reproduction | HSC Part-II – Biology Notes

MCQs – Reproduction

1. The process in which one or two parents form a new individual is called ________.
§  Reproduction
§  Sporulation
§  Growth
§  All of the above

2. The type of reproduction in which only one parent is required is called ________.
§  Sexual
§  Asexual
§  Simple reproduction
§  Fission

3. The off springs produced from asexual reproduction are ________ of parent.
§  Different
§  Slightly similar
§  Exact copy
§  None of these

4. The type of asexual reproduction in which parent body divides to form two or more off springs is called ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

5. The process of the development of small or growth is called ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

6. The process of growth of missing part is called ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

7. The type of reproduction which is neither strictly asexual nor sexual is called ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

8. In amoeba following type of reproduction occurs ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

9. In paramecium following type of reproduction occurs ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

10. In plasmodium following type of reproduction occurs ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

11. In sponges following type of reproduction occurs ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

12. In Hydra following type of reproduction occurs ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

13. In annelides following type of reproduction occurs ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

14. In honey bees following type of reproduction occurs ________.
§  Fission
§  Budding
§  Regeneration
§  Parthenogenesis

15. The process in which only two individual are formed is called ________.
§  Binary Budding
§  Multiple Fission
§  Binary Fission
§  Fragmentation

16. If the parent body divides into more than two parts the process is called ________.
§  Binary Budding
§  Multiple Fission
§  Binary Fission
§  Fragmentation

17. Sponges sometimes undergo a process in which parent body split into several parts called ________.
§  Binary Budding
§  Multiple Fission
§  Binary Fission
§  Fragmentation

18. The first cloned sheep was named _______.
§  Jolly
§  Molly
§  Rolly
§  None

19. Those twins which have same sex are called ________.
§  Fraternal
§  Identical
§  Special
§  None

20. Identical twins are ________.
§  Monozygotic
§  Dizygotic
§  Both
§  None

21. Fraternal twins are ________.
§  Monozygotic
§  Dizygotic
§  Both
§  None

22. The type of reproduction in which fusion of gametes take place is called ________ reproduction.
§  Asexual
§  Sexual
§  Simple Reproduction
§  Hybridization

23. Sexual reproduction requires ________, mating and fertilization.
§  Parthenogenesis
§  Organogenesis
§  Gametogenesis
§  Spermatogenesis

24. ________ is a process in which male and female contribute their gamets for fertilization.
§  Mating
§  Fusion
§  Both
§  None

25. External fertilization cannot take place ________ water.
§  Inside
§  Outside
§  Both
§  None

26. Those animals which have same type of gonads are called _______.
§  Hermaphrodite
§  Heterophrodite
§  Isogonadals
§  None

27. Bisexual animals are also called ________.
§  Hermaphrodite
§  Heterophrodite
§  Isogonadals
§  None

28. Eggs may have already fertilized before being and this phenomenon is called ________.
§  External Fertilization
§  Internal Fertilization
§  Both
§  None

29. The phenomenon in which eggs are fertilized after they are laid is called ________.
§  External Fertilization
§  Internal Fertilization
§  Both
§  None

30. Those animals that do not lay eggs but retain their young one inside their body are called ________.
§  Oviparous
§  Viviparous
§  Endoparous
§  None

31. Placenta is characteristic feature of ________.
§  Oviparous
§  Viviparous
§  Endoparous
§  None

32. In male reproductive system testes are enclosed in exdended skin called ________.
§  Epididymus
§  Scrotum
§  Penis
§  Vas deferens

33. Testes not only secrete sperms but also ________.
§  Estrogen
§  Epinephrine
§  Testosterone
§  Aldosterone

34. Testes consists of a very fine tubular network called ________.
§  Seminiferous tubules
§  Vas deferens
§  Urinogenital Duch
§  None

35. In male reproductive system of humans ________ no. of glands are present.
§  1
§  2
§  3
§  4

36. The secretions of the glands in male reproductive system convert sperms into ________.
§  Spermatogonia
§  Spermatids
§  Seminal fluid
§  Semen

37. A tube which runs from bladder to the end of penis is called ________.
§  Ureter
§  Urethra
§  Urinary Tube
§  None

38. Human testes are packed with about 500 seminiferous tubules which produce about ________ million sperms every day.
§  10
§  20
§  30
§  40

39. A pair of oval and solid structures is called ________.
§  Oviducts
§  Fallopian Tubules
§  Ovaries
§  Uterus

40. The matured ovum after leaving ovaries enter ________.
§  Oviducts
§  Fallopian tubules
§  Ovaries
§  Uterus

41. Fallopian tubules open into ________.
§  Oviducts
§  Fallopian tubules
§  Ovaries
§  Uterus

42. Uterus narrows to form _______.
§  Vagina
§  Cervix
§  Vulva
§  None

43. The cyclic discharge of mucusal tissues along with blood is called _______.
§  Ovarian cycle
§  Mentrual cycle
§  Oestrous cycle
§  Uterine Cycle

44. Menstrual cycle do not occurs before puberty, during pregnancy and ________ menopause.
§  During
§  Before
§  After
§  Not related to

45. Female menstrual cycle is the preparation of uterus to ________.
§  Fertilization
§  Fusion
§  Flow of blood
§  Pregnancy

46. The female menstrual cycle comprise of ________ no. of phases.
§  1
§  2
§  3
§  4

47. The first phase is called ________
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

48. The second phase is called ________
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

49. The third phase is called ________.
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

50. The fourth phase is called _______.
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

51. Secretion of both estrogen and progestrone is stop before 2 days of ________ phase.
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

52. Corpus leutum of ovary degenerates in ________ phase.
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

53. Endometridium of uterus shed off in ________ phase.
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

54. The formation of follicular cells is characteristics feature of ________ phase.
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

55. FSH is secreated in ________ phase.
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

56. FSH also stimulate ovary to secreat ________ hormone.
§  Progestrone
§  Testosterone
§  Oestrogen
§  None

57. Estrogen secretion causes rapid division of ________.
§  Endometrium
§  Myometrium
§  Perimetrium
§  All of the above

58. Low FSH level and high oestrogen level cause secretion of ________ hormone.
§  More FSH
§  LH
§  Progesterone
§  All of the above

59. In ________ phase mature ovum is released from ovary and enters fallopian tubule.
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

60. ________ phase is responsible for the formation of corpus leutum from empty graffian follicle.
§  Follicular
§  Menstruation
§  Corpus leutum
§  Ovulation

61. Fertilization in human being is most commonly called ________.
§  Pregnancy
§  Conception
§  Birth
§  All

62. The tissue attaching the embyo to the wall of uterus is called ________.
§  Placenta
§  Amnion
§  Chorion
§  None

63. Those diseases which are related to defect in reproductive system and are caused due to intercourses are called ________.
§  Viral Diseases
§  Nutritional Diseases
§  Sexually Transmitted Diseases
§  Fungal Diseases

64. Neisserai gonorrhoeae causes ________ diseases.
§  Syphilis
§  Gonorrhea
§  Genital Herpes

65. ________ is caused by herpes simplex.
§  Syphilis
§  Gonorrhea
§  Genital Herpes

66. ________ is caused by treponema pallidum.
§  Syphilis
§  Gonorrhea
§  Genital Herpes

67. ________ is caused by HIV.
§  Syphilis
§  Gonorrhea
§  Genital Herpes

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