and the Modern World
After the creation of Pakistan in the
year 1950, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan went on an official tour of the United States of
America. His mission was to introduce to the Americans the newly formed country
of Pakistan, to tell the Americans all about Pakistan and to bring the two
countries close together. This chapter Pakistan and the Modern World, actually
is the explanation of Liaquat Ali Khan’s speech at the Kansas city, while he
was thanking them for the degree bestowed on him..
While Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan was in the
United States of America, on this trip the University of Kansas City awarded
him an honorary degree for his services rendered to his country.
As far as the contents of the speech
are concerned, these are what that makes the speech all important and
interesting. Mr. Liaquat Ali begins by thanking the administration of the
University of Kansas City and tells them that he will talk about Pakistan in
his speech because his mission is to make the Americans familiar with the
history and origin of Pakistan. Mr. Liaquat Ali then goes on to say that there
are similarities between the fight for independence that the Muslims waged
against the British and the fight that the Americans put up for their
independence. Thus there are similarities between fight for Indians and Muslims
and Americans.
After that Liaquat Ali goes on to
explain as to why the Muslims wanted a separate homeland and the Muslims of
Indian Sub-Continent were not willing to line with Hindus. There are religious,
economic and social differences between the Hindus and the Muslims. Further
more, Mr. Liaquat Ali goes on to say that many people did not agree to the
partition of India. However, later on they realize that the creation of
Pakistan has made the Asian Continent more stable, also Mr. Liaquat Ali goes on
to explain what advantages the creation of Pakistan has brought about in the
region. According to Mr. Liaquat Ali whereas in other countries there is
backwardness, inner confusion, discontentment, religious difference but in Pakistan
there is no internal struggle, no religions difference and there is democracy
in the country. Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan then praises the Pakistani nation and
declares that when Pakistan was created there was no proper government, no
money and no security, but it was due to the hard work and unity of Pakistani
nation that we managed not only to survive but also to progress.
Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan makes yet
another point while introducing Pakistan to the Americans, he declares that
even the Pakistani people have duties to fulfill towards their country, the
duty of each Pakistani is to guard and protect his freedom and the freedom of
his country. After that Mr. Liaquat goes on to make a very important point. He
declares that in order to progress we must have strong faith in our religion
and at the same time we must accept scientific technology and progress. Then
Mr. Liaquat Ali goes on to suggest that we must stay away from war and we must
follow the progress of the West and take from the West what we considered to be
Finally, he requests to the Americans
to help Pakistan on the path of progress and the United States could do that be
lending its fund of knowledge and progress to backward Pakistani nation. Mr.
Liaquat Ali Khan ends the speech on an optimistic and hopeful note wanting
Pakistan and United States to be friends for all times to come.
Reference to
the Context
The given lines have been extracted
from Pakistan and the Modern World, a fine example of oratory and a true
chronicle of history. It is in fact a marvelous piece of speech delivered by
the Quaid-e-Millat, Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, at
the Kansas University in 1950 when the beloved leader paid a state visit to the
About the Speaker
Liaquat Ali Khan supported
Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah during the crucial years of Muslim struggle
for the birth of Pakistan. In 1947, he became the first Prime Minister of the
Muslim homeland. He was a great patriot, who had deep compassion for human
sufferings. He was awarded an honorary degree at the University of Kansas, USA
for his remarkable services to his nation and to the cause of freedom and
About the Speech
According to the people and
government of the United States, Liaquat Ali Khan, in this speech wants to
acknowledge and thank them for the conferment of an honorary degree upon him.
Since Pakistan was then not yet three years old, he thought it proper to
introduce Pakistan to them. Befitting the occasion, he also thought it fit to
describe the causes and the benefits of the division of vast sub continent and
the creation of Pakistan. He describes the religious, social and economic
differences with the Hindus, which forced the Muslims to demand a separate
homeland for themselves. Finally he exhorts the West to held in the economic
freedom and political stability of Asia. He also inspires the people of
Pakistan to work harder at the double pace in order to catch up with the
advance nation safeguard their independence and achieve their rightful and
honorable place the4 the world.
“Progress and freedom, far from consisting in change, depends on
memory. Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
____________ George Santayana
____________ George Santayana
“As the day ————– minority.” Or
“Long experience ————-change of masters.” Or
“But since ——————— Eclipsed.”
Here, in these historical lines, our
veteran leader, Liaquat Ali Khan, is advocating the cause of the Muslims
minority against the dominating majority of the Hindus in the undivided India
on the eve of independence from the British rule.
He says that when the time of freedom
from the British rule drew at hand, it became more and more crystal clear that
the Muslims were not going to enjoy the real fruits of freedom. On the
contrary, they were afraid that they would be forced to live as a permanent
group of defeated and subjected minority. Thus, freedom from the foreign rule
would mean to the Muslims not freedom but only a change of the ruling hand. He
draws this conclusion on the basis of their age-old experience testified by
history since Muslims had been living with the Hindus for many centuries.
Liaquat Ali Khan also points out the
fact that difference of religion between the two nations was not the only cause
of division of India. The Muslims had a number of very serious differences with
the Hindus nation such as difference of culture, ideology of life, social
system, economic system and so on. The Muslims were monotheists and the Hindus
believed in more than one God. They believed in caste system while the Muslims
believed in equality of all men. The Muslims rightly feared that the Hindus
majority would deny then basic human rights and treat them like slaves. They
would have to live in the undivided India as a “perpetual political minority”
having no hope, no respect and no future.
Liaquat Ali Khan is here trying to
give vent to the genuine doubts and apprehensions. Muslims had about their
political and economic future had they lived with the Hindus in the undivided
India particularly after independence from the British rule.
“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.”
“It was for these reasons ——————- at that time.
Here in these pithy and powerful
lines, our veteran leader, Liaquat Ali Khan, is trying to apprise the American
people of the reasons for and exigencies behind the Muslims’s demand for a
separate home of their own.
“We wanted a home,
Home, home, sweet, sweet home!
There is no place like home
All must have a home of their own.”
- J.H. Payne
He describes the differences of
religion, culture and economic institutions, which had made it difficult for
the Muslims to continue to live with the Hindus. Above everything, it was the
fear of being reduced into a perpetual political minority that forced the
Muslims to demand a separate homeland for themselves. According to him this demand
was very genuine and reasonable as it was in the interest of both the Muslims
and the Hindus. Above all, it was in the interest of the World peace. But
Liaquat Ali Khan regrets that the Hindus leaders apposed this because it was
against their dream of a greater India.
“How does it feel
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?”
- R.A. Zimmerman
The beloved leader is here leading
the case of the Muslims and is justifying their demand on both human and
geo-political grounds. Liaquat Ali Khan says:
“We believed then and we believe now that the demand of the Muslims in
British India to have a separate state of their own was, both on human and
geo-political grounds, a very reasonable demand.”
“For us to be undemocratic ———- Demand for Pakistan.”
Here in these searching lines, our
beloved leader is trying to visualize the ethical basis and ideological
grounds, which inspired the foundation of the new state of Pakistan. He says
that Pakistan is based upon the belief in God, democracy, justice and peace.
Muslims of South Asia demanded a separate homeland for themselves because they
wanted to practice their faith and their believe.
“Man is by his constitution a religious animal.”
- Edmund Burk
Mr. Khan emphasizes that our people
did not have to learn or acquire these beliefs, as they were latent in the very
ideology. They demanded a new state because they wanted to practice these
beliefs free from the close competition of dominating Hindu majority.
According to Mr. Khan Muslims cannot
think of overlooking democracy and ignoring human rights. Similarly, they
cannot submit to tyranny or aggression because this will mean denying the very
ideals of Pakistan. The father of the nation also said:
“You are free, you are free to go to your mosques and to your temples,
or to any place of worship in this state of Pakistan.”
- Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah
“What are the demands —————- Great purpose.”
Here in these pithy and powerful
lines, the political pedagogue and statesman, Liaquat Ali Khan is trying to
visualize the duties and responsibilities of a free people who have achieved
their freedom after a great deal of struggle and sacrifice.
“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most people dread it.”
– G.B Shaw
– G.B Shaw
He asserts that it is the duty of all
the free people in the World to maintain and safeguard their won freedom first.
This according to him is not selfishness or narrow-mindedness. He adds that if
they fail in this duty, they desecrate and disgrace the piety of freedom. He
exhorts the Muslims to be alert and watchful in order to keep their hard-earned
freedom safe and secure. He also urges them to work hard at the double pace to
achieve prosperity and strengthen the foundation of freedom. He emphasizes that
today freedom has no real significance for the common people if it does not
also mean freedom from want, ignorance and disease.
Liaquat Ali has here tried to give a
new meaning and a new interpretation to the concept of freedom as viewed in the
context of the fast changing conditions of the present day World.
“The Condition upon which God has given liberty is eternal vigilance.”
- I.P. Curran
- I.P. Curran
“Our ancient steadfast faith ————- world peace itself.”
Here in these powerful pithy lines,
the veteran leader, Liaquat Ali Khan, is describing the political, ideological
and economic position of Pakistan as a newly independent state of Asia and is
prescribing the formula of a happy marriage of faith and technology for rapid
“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
– Albert Einstein
– Albert Einstein
He asserts that our old and firm
faith is a source of great strength in this troubled period of human history.
But he emphasizes that faith alone is not enough if we want to claim our
rightful and honorable place in the World. We must also acquire the valuable
knowledge of science and technology. He says that only a happy combination of
science with the leading powers of scientific knowledge and modern World. This
is the dictate of phase of progress and we can not hold the clock back. Liaquat
Ali Khan, a true Muslim and a die hard patriot is trying to set the Muslims on
the rails of modern science, the only way to progress and honorable existence
in the World.
“Science without conscience is the death of the soul and leads to greed
and pride.”
- Francois Rabelais
- Francois Rabelais
“We conceive the role —————– if at all.”
Here in these prophetic lines, the
veteran leader and statesman, Liaquat Ali Khan is trying to define and
determine the role of the Western World in the present day political situation
of the World.
According to him the West should
demonstrate their broadminded approach and assist the newly independent states
of Asia and Africa in their political stability and economic progress. It is the
moral and the human duty of the rich and advanced nations to hold in the
development of the poor and backward people. This is necessary because they
themselves can not enjoy the fullest fruits of their own progress when more
that half the World remains backward. The World can not be called truly
civilized unless the light of modern knowledge of science reaches the door of
every house in the World.
“The purpose of human existence is not ease or comfort but to kindle a
light of joy in the dark World.”
- C.J. Jung
Liaquat Ali Khan is here exhorting
the people of America and Europe to realize their duty and help the poor people
in the name of humanity and for the sake of the world peace.
“Heal the sick, cleans the lepers, raise the fallen, cast out devil,
freely you have received, freely you give to others.”
- The Bible
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