Lesson –
day kashif went shopping with his mother. He wanted to buy sweets. His mother
told him not to buy sweets or any food which was exposed to flies or dust.
Flies and dust carry germs. Germs are microscopic organisms. If they get into
our bodies, they can make ;us ill. They enter out bodies through food or dusty
air. Therefore, we should avoid eating such food which has flies or dust on it.
We should protect ourselves from mosquitoes. We can get malaria from a mosquito
bite. We can kill mosquitoes by putting ddt OR keosene oil in stagnant water
were they lay eggs. Health is wealth. If we are not healty, we can not work
Question and Answers
Q.1 Why
did Kashif’s father refused to buy sweets from the first shop?
Kashif’s father refused to buy sweets from the first shop because flies were
sitting on them and so they were not good for health.
Q.2 What
do dust and flies carry?
Ans. Dust
and flies carry hundreds of germs and they are enemies to our health.
Q.3 How
are diseases caused?
Diseases are caused by germs.
Q.4 What
are germs?
Germs are the smallest living things. They cannot be seen with the naked eye.
You can see them through a microscope. These germs are harmful to our health.
Q.5 How do
flies carry germs to food?
Flies sit in dirty things, these are germs on these things and they stick to
the flies legs when these flies sit on water or our food. The germs they are
carrying stick on it, and when we eat that food they enter our bodies and thus
we fall ill.
Q.6 How
do we get Malaria?
Ans. We
get malaria from a kind of mosquitoes which lives in stagnant water.
Q.7 How
can we get rid of Malaria?
Ans. We
can get rid of Malaria by not allowing any kind of stagnant water near the
house. The last matter to getting rid of a mosquito is to spray kerosene oil or
D.D.T to kill the mosquitoes before they are big enough to be harmful.
Q.8 Why
was the second shop dirty? or Why did Kashif’s father refused to buy sweets
from the second shop?
Ans. The
second shop was dirty because the sweets in the shop were covered with a layer
of dust, below by a men sweeping the road by the shop.
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